Lyndon Economic opportunity AmeriCorps Program
LEAP Member Special Initiatives
Peer site visits
Ever wonder what a typical day of service for your peer at another site looks like? Curious and interested in learning more about serving another AmeriCorps term at a different site? LEAP will allow members to claim mileage and hours for up to two peer site visits. LEAP encourages members to take advantage of this opportunity to learn from their peers and expand their professional network. Site visits must be approved by all Host Site supervisors involved, and members will complete documentation for LEAP.
Individual or small group service projects
LEAP allows members to explore small independent service projects in an area of interest to them, either on their own or with other LEAP members. These projects should address an area of critical need in the NEK that aligns with the mission of LEAP and must be submitted as a proposal to LEAP before the project. Members follow up with a reflection after the project is completed. This could be a one-time event or up to 30 hours of service (with Host Site Supervisor permission). Members may implement a project of their own or partner with a community organization. LEAP may also be approached by community members with need for a service project and offer that opportunity to members.
LEAP Book club
The LEAP Book Club is designed to give members the opportunity to develop a greater knowledge of their service through an independent reading project, while gaining training hours toward their service term. LEAP members may choose from books in the LEAP Library or may submit a request for a different book of their choosing. Members will submit a Reading Reflection Form, describing what they learned and how they will apply it to their service, before claiming hours for the project.
Each book review may be worth up to a total of 10 training hours. The Book Club is not intended to displace traditional service hours but rather serve as an opportunity for members to earn training hours outside of traditional 9am-5pm schedules. There are caps to the number of hours members can claim towards the Book Club and all special initiatives, so please refer to your member handbook for more details, make plans with your supervisor, and reach out to LEAP staff with more questions.